SCI-FI Lovers BEWARE! What a MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT! I thought this was going to be some awesome Sci-fi flick traveling through time and fighting to be with each other. (You know like all the other new Sci-fi flicks today). I was WRONG. Rachel Weisz and Hugh Jackman are both amazing actors, however I found the Fountain to be WAY TO artsy / independent film for me.
Andres Gomez
A simple story told in a very complicated way. Not the best of Aronofsky's works.
Travis Bell
Contrary to many opinions of this film, The Fountain stands as an all time favourite of mine. The layering of timelines combined with Aronofsky's eye just made for a beautiful experience. A truly underrated masterpiece.
Frode Lindeijer
Full of symbolism and pretty pictures this movie will strike your soul if you have one. Once the credits roll it will be like waking from a dream.
You will either love it, or think it absurd. Aronofsky is at full symbolic best in this film, so if you buy into it, buy his vision and embrace the meditation on themes it is glorious. If you want an engaging narrative and some cool sci fi, go watch Gravity.