Directed by Jesse Baget, AdriĆ”n Cardona, David MuƱoz, Zachary Ramelan, Peter Horn, Phil Haine, Luke Guidici, Cameron McCulloch, Tommy Woodard, Adam O'Brien, Jared Marshall, Rafa DengrĆ”, Paul Shrimpton, Vedran MarjanoviÄ Wekster
1 h 40 min
There is nowhere to hide...nowhere to run...the Zombie Apocalypse has come, and our world now belongs to the dead! From Ireland, Canada, Australia, Europe and all over the U.S., the bone-chilling news reports tell the same gruesome tale - walking corpses terrorize and devour the living. Only a few desperate humans find the courage to stand and fight for their last chance at survival. But the hordes of undead keep coming, and there's only one thing on the menu - us.