Directed by Pollyanna McIntosh, Ruggero Deodato, Michael Varrati, Lucky McKee, Julian Richards, Lee Sang-woo, Isaac Ezban, Milan Todorović, Steve De Roover, Trent Haaga, Andreas Marschall, Sadrac González-Perellón, Vivienne Vaughn, Rémi Fréchette, Sam Wineman, Ama Lea, R. Zachary Shildwachter, B.J. Colangelo, Lazar Bodroža, Sonia Escolano, Dominic Saxl, John Lynch
2 h 25 min
Advent – a time of joyful anticipation. You will surely remember the feeling you had as a child, waking up on the first December morning. Rising early, ready to open a new door for 24 consecutive days.