This film is probably more remarkable because it deals with a same-sex attraction between two young immigrant Iranian lads rather than because the drama is especially innovative or interesting. "Parvis" (Benny Radjaipour) is a bit of a street urchin who gets caught stealing and sentenced to work in a shelter where he encounters siblings "Banafshe" (Banafshe Hourmazdi) and her brother "Amon" (Eidin Jalali). Whilst they strive to get residence status in Germany, the two boys start to bond. Initially, their relationship is pretty clandestine but gradually confidence grows and... It's all a bit too formulaic, this, but there is some chemistry between the two lads and the narrative does address some of the religious and social attitudes to these youngsters and the difficulties they face - even in 2020s Germany. It also illustrates quite well the issues that migrants of all persuasions face trying to enter and stay in the EU which, though portrayed here rather simplistically, still merit a mention. Gay dramas are definitely getting better. This has the odd bit of nookie, but the characterisations - though rather undercooked - are much more front and centre here, and though it is not a film you are likely to remember, it does hold the attention well enough for ninety minutes.