You know I couldn't help but wonder if this might have been better as a silent film! Essentially it's all about a cuddle! "Marcus" (Philemon Chambers) is recovering from a recent break up when he shares a cigarette outside a bar with "Angel" (Luis Carazo). A bit of smalltalk ensues, a stroll with some food, then a return to the latter man's home where - well, no - not what you might expect. It turns out that "Angel" has his heart on the right hand side of his body and so the aforementioned hug takes on a much more intimate meaning. The narrative is fractured. It's not delivered chronologically and is really about intimacy - two men who both have their baggage, but that baggage isn't what drives or clutters up the story. It presents a slightly counterintuitive sense of optimism: they don't even exchange names until the end. Will they meet again? Who knows... The production is basic, set against the darkness of a city evening and somehow the extremely unsexy habit of cigarette smoking adds an extra bit of character to the thing. It's but fifteen minutes and though a gay themed mini-drama, could easily apply more broadly.